Rabbits Rule!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Veggies! I got veggies!

Rabbits need lots of fiber. Make sure their food has high fiber—20% or more—and have grass hay available for them all the time. Alfalfa hay is too rich for a "free choice" food—mine get that only as a treat. [I get food and hay from Oxbow. The maintenance food for adult rabbits has between 25% and 29% fiber. ]

Topsy loves her veggies too. On that plate are parsley, broccoli, snow peas, kale. There was probably a slice or two of carrot—she eats those first of course. Bugs Bunny is not an aberration in his passion for carrots!

I try to make sure there are at least 3 different veggies on her plate every day. My vet says to feed them grass too occasionally, especially if they have any digestive troubles. Lots of fiber and not much nutrition, but much closer to the diet rabbits eat in the wild. Posted by Picasa


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