Rabbits Rule!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Rabbit Hutch

Alex and I got seriously into rabbits after Mr. Tops came to live with us. This cabinet was the first piece of furniture I bought on my own after I was divorced in the 70ies. I suppose it had glass in the doors originally but when I got it someone had nailed pieces of peeling oak veneer on the inside. I figured I'd eventually replace it. Alex got this idea after he'd spent some time restoring old metal objects we had around and finished with a layer of shellac to keep the finish bright.

Alex drew the rabbits and the flowers were my job. I used stencils. We made paper patterns and taped them to the sheet of copper and then used nails to make the lines.

I sometimes muse on what someone might think a hundred years from now when someone finds it in an junk store. Will they wonder what this was? Did it belong to a fashion trend? If so, when? Is it a kind of pie safe (because of the nail holes)? Posted by Picasa


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